
Best Foods To Eat To Lose Weight

Best Foods To Eat To Lose Weight

Just cutting calories isn’t enough. You have to cut calories, while ensuring you get the most nutrition if you want to be successful. That means you need to identify the best foods to lose weight, which also provide the most nutrition. It means not all calories are created equally. While they all provide the same […]

Tips To Lower Blood Sugar

Tips To Lower Blood Sugar

There are millions of people in the United States that have diabetes. Some have type 1, which occurs when the immune system destroys the cells in the pancreas that produce insulin. That means the body doesn’t produce enough insulin to function normally. Type 2 diabetes often occurs later in life. It starts with cells developing […]

How Much Fruit Is Too Much?

How Much Fruit Is Too Much?

We encourage people to eat fresh fruits and vegetables at 180 Fitness in Gloucester, ON, Canada. Fruit contains valuable nutrients that provide a wealth of health benefits. They have antioxidants, phytonutrients that you can’t get in non-plant based food, fiber, vitamins and minerals. However, you can eat too much fruit, too. So, how much fruit […]

Confidence In A Gym Environment

Confidence In A Gym Environment

One of the reasons I often hear from people who want to work out, but fail to do so is their lack of confidence in a gym environment. That shouldn’t ever be the case for a number of reasons. Whether your uneasy about your knowledge of exercise or simply embarrassed by the shape you’re in, […]