
Have You Tried An Impossible Burger?

Have You Tried An Impossible Burger?

If you’ve been to a Burger King near Gloucester, ON, Canada, you probably have seen the Impossible Burger on the menu. What is it? It’s a lab grown vegetarian option that doesn’t contain meat, but certainly tastes like it does. It’s a blend of potato and soy proteins in the latest version, which is different […]

What Foods Are High In Electrolytes

What Foods Are High In Electrolytes

How important are foods high in electrolytes? In order to answer that, you have to understand just what an electrolyte is and what it does. Electrolytes are electrical conductors in your body’s fluid. They’re minerals that dissolved in water to use their energy to help with bodily functions. For instance, you have to have electrolytes […]

Energy Drinks Vs Caffeine Pills

Energy Drinks Vs Caffeine Pills

Since the research showing that a cup of coffee or caffeine pills taken before a workout can boost performance, using one of those about an hour before working out has a become a ritual with many athletes. Recently, the focus has switched to energy drinks. It the change a beneficial one? Do energy drinks offer […]

Raise Your Quality Of Life Today

Raise Your Quality Of Life Today

What does it mean to raise your quality of life? For some, it’s all about possessions, having expensive things and where you live. For others, quality are things that are more intangible, like good health, mental well being and personal freedom. It means many things to different people, but one thing is certain, staying healthy […]

Increase Your Good Gut Bacteria

Increase Your Good Gut Bacteria

You’re never alone. No, it’s not Big Brother that’s watching you, but the microbiome that’s living in you. You have billions of microscopic fungi, bacteria, archaea, virus and eukaryotes living in and on your body. In fact, some estimates say they outnumber human cells by ten to one. They play an important role in your […]

Health Benefits Of Kale

Health Benefits Of Kale

Kale used to be relegated to the salad bar as decoration, but is now touted as one of the superfoods. How did that happen? It occurred because of all the health benefits of kale. I remember early in my grocery shopping days, there was always a small display of kale in Gloucester, ON, but it’s […]

Are You Wasting Time With Cardio

Are You Wasting Time With Cardio

While cardio is important to your fitness effort, you might be wasting time with cardio if you want to lose weight. Even worse, you might be sabotaging your efforts, too. Cardio is important for overall fitness, just as flexibility, strength and balance training is. It’s not meant as a cure all for every fitness goal, […]

Is Sugar Ruining Your Health

Is Sugar Ruining Your Health

One reason we provide nutritional advice, besides a program of exercise, it that what you eat is as important, or even more important as working out when it comes to any fitness goal. You simply can’t out-exercise a bad diet. One of the things we find most people have a problem with is all the […]