Reasons Why You’re More Gassy Than Usual

Passing gas or flatulence and burping are two common occurrences. In fact everyone passes gas about 14 times a day and produce about 1 to 4 pints of gas. Passing gas is part of the body’s natural process to relieve ourselves from built up gasses in the system. Unfortunately, we can’t always choose where it happens. It can be embarrassing, especially when your in a large group that’s quiet. Excess gas can be your normal or suddenly occur, leaving you wonder why you’re more gassy than normal. Gas builds up in your body for several reasons, which include normal gas everyone has to some gas with lethal odors that have the potential to be weaponized.

Your intake of fiber may have increased dramatically.

Many times, the food we eat affects the amount of gas we produce. Too much fiber can be at the heart of the problem, particularly if you ate little fiber before and are trying to get healthier. Fiber is important, but when you’re increasing it in your diet, increasing it slowly is also important. There are two types of fiber, soluble and insoluble. Soluble fiber is the food for bacteria, which break it down with fermentation, which produces gas. If you’re increasing the fiber in your diet, go slowly.

You may be sensitive to some foods.

Lactose intolerance occurs because the body doesn’t make lactase, which breaks down lactose or milk products. How much or how little lactase the body makes will vary and so will the results of consuming milk products. Sometimes, the results are mild flatulence and for those who are very lactose intolerant, violent cramping and pain. Your body can’t break down the milk sugars or absorb them, so it creats a lot of gas in a short time period, which can cause pain in the intestines. Other food intolerance can cause the same problems.

You may be swallowing air without realizing it.

Drinking through a straw, smoking or even eating and drinking while talking can cause you to swallow air, so can eating too fast. Sometimes chewing gum or sucking on candies can, too. If you breathe through your mouth when you sleep, you’re probably swallowing air at night. Carbonated beverages also cause gassiness. People that swallow air frequently as a nervous habit are also frequently gassy.

  • Allergies to certain foods can also create similar gassiness like a food intolerance. Many times it’s certain carbs or sugars for food intolerance. The best way to find out is to follow a low FODMAP diet and reintroduce food slowly.
  • Keeping a food diary can also help you identify foods that make you gassy. Just note every food you eat and when you have the worst problems with gas. From that information, you can narrow down the culprit.
  • Built up gas can occur if you don’t walk after meals. When people move their legs as they walk, often small amounts of gas are expelled. Taking a walk after a meal can help relieve gassiness.
  • While most cases of gassiness are benign and normal, some aren’t. It could be a condition like GERD or celiac disease. Excess gas and abdominal pain should always be investigated with your health care professional if it occurs frequently.

For more information, contact us today at 180 Fitness

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