Enhance Your Self Care During And After A Pandemic

I love seeing people in Gloucester, ON, using the time for self care during this time and now it’s time to start planning for and participating in things that are healthy no matter what the conditions, but especially after a pandemic. Taking good care of yourself, losing weight to help with underlying conditions and taking a few moments each day to appreciate life and good health. It’s time to start anew with a plan for a healthier, fitter you.

If you didn’t follow a work out program during isolation, it’s time to start doing it.

While Adele acknowledged her weight loss achievement started long before the shut down, it took on a more dramatic turn with her unveiling on Instagram. She used the time that would otherwise be more hectic, to follow the advice of a personal trainer with a healthy diet and a program of regular exercise. Her goal, according to the trainer, was to get healthier and that should be the goal of every person, whether it’s weight loss that will get them there, more exercise, healthier eating or simply changing their mental attitude. You only have one life to live and during these troubling times, making the most of that life is magnified.

Eating healthy is at the core of being healthy.

It’s all too easy to soothe emotions with a diet high in simple carbohydrates, like pastry, candy bars and ice cream, but during any stressful time, what’s best for you isn’t always your first instinct. Eating a diet filled with fresh or frozen fruits and vegetables provides nutrients that can actually help you stay more positive. When you eat sugar, it does stimulate the opioid receptors that gives you that happy feeling. Unfortunately, that good feeling doesn’t last long and before you know it, it can dip to depression. If you’re not following your daily activities, the chances of burning fewer calories is greatly increased. A healthy diet can help you steer clear of depression and encourage you to feel good about yourself, besides building your immune system and reducing the risk of serious conditions.

If you’re feeling stressed, there’s nothing better than exercise to help.

Exercise burns off the hormones of stress and boosts those that make you feel happier and more satisfied. In fact, some studies show that working out can also be a great complementary treatment for anxiety and depression. It may be why so many people pace during a stressful time. Just taking a half hour a day to be active can improve both your mental and physical health, while burning extra calories and building muscle tissue.

  • You don’t have to exercise all at one time, studies show that breaking your exercise time down to three ten minute sessions is as effective as one long 30 minute session. If you haven’t started working out, do it today.
  • Did you break every healthy rule about working out and diet? It’s never too late to start. Start getting active. Turn on a video and exercise or dance if you’re stuck at home. Get up earlier and start your day with a workout, if you’re already going back to work.
  • Take a walk, jump rope, ride a bike, just keep your social distancing as you do. Getting outside and enjoying the sunshine can also make a huge difference in your emotional balance.
  • Don’t forget to get adequate hydration and sleep. Sticking with a regular sleep schedule can help you stick with a routine and also help you maintain a regular workout schedule once you are working.

For more information, contact us today at 180 Fitness

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