What Does Holistic Eating Mean?

Clients at 180 Fitness in Gloucester, ON, know that what you eat is as important as exercise to achieve good health. It’s one reason many consider holistic eating. Just what is holistic eating? It’s a belief that your body requires healthy whole foods to be at its best and that our bodies, mind and spirit are intertwined, each affecting the other. It considers a healthy diet as part of the whole person perspective. Each person has a specific need and the diet for each is unique, based on that need.

A nutritionist asks many questions to find out exactly what your body needs to be its best.

Before discussing the diet you require, there are a number of assessments that must be taken. What’s your level of vitamins and minerals? Are your thyroid/iodine levels correct? What’s your body composition based on fat and your body measurements? Each person’s metabolism works differently, so measuring that is important for identifying the proper diet.

Holistic eating emphasizes several things to improve your diet.

The amount of water you drink each day is important for staying hydrated. Dehydration causes many problems, from lack of energy to how you digest food. Organic food is important, since it eliminates pesticides, herbicides, food with antibiotics and hormones, GMO food and food that’s irradiated. Eating whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, particularly those locally grown, foods that provide essential fatty acids in the right balance, minimally process food and food that is dense in nutrients are all part of a holistic diet.

If you’re a fast food junkie, you aren’t eating holistically.

Most fast food is high in salt and contain lots of high fructose corn syrup or other sweetener. Both are hard on your body and your health. They contribute to existing health issues and also cause others. Soft drinks are also eliminated in these diets and often so is coffee. Some foods still contain trans fats. Those have been proven to be detrimental for your health. Any food with additives should be eliminated. Choose packaged foods with the fewest ingredients and even better if it has just one, such as peanut butter that contains just peanuts.

  • Holistic diets focus on eating healthy whole foods, those with little processing, since you’ll get more nutrients from fresh produce. Heat destroys some of the nutrients. The lycopene in tomatoes is the only excepting, since cooking increases the lycopene content, even though heat destroys its vitamin C.
  • If you’re adding more fiber to your diet, add it slowly. It can cause gas and other digestive issues when increased too rapidly. Making other changes gradually allows you to accustom your body to the change.
  • One way to improve your chances of success on a holistic diet is to rid your cupboards of unhealthy food. Always read the labels on food to check ingredients before you purchase.
  • A holistic diet that addresses your personal issues can help you live healthier, while also aid in weight loss. You’ll feel healthier, have more energy and probably a different attitude toward life.

For more information, contact us today at 180 Fitness

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