
Small Steps To A Healthier Lifestyle

Small Steps To A Healthier Lifestyle

Not everyone is ready to change their lifestyle all at once. Some don’t feel fit enough to actually start a full exercise program, while others find it intimidating change to healthy eating habits and working out regularly all at once. You can take small steps to a healthier lifestyle, much like dipping your foot in […]

Best Grab And Go Snacks

Best Grab And Go Snacks

If you want to eat healthier, don’t forget to include healthy snacks in your diet. Giving up snacks can actually cause you to gain weight. Planned healthy snacks can help you feel more energetic, so you’ll burn more calories. They can help keep you from being ravenous at your next meal, so you’ll eat less. […]

Tips To Lose Belly Fat

Tips To Lose Belly Fat

One of the most often mentioned goals of clients at 180 Fitness in Gloucester, ON, is to lose belly fat and have great looking abs. Belly fat is the most unhealthy type of fat. It’s called visceral fat and the most dangerous type of fat. It crowds organs and increases the risk for several types […]

Which Grains Are Low In Carbs?

Which Grains Are Low In Carbs?

You’ve probably read how grains are the enemy of weight loss plans, but take heart, there are some that are low in carbs. While some people on low carb diets may give up all grains, there are some, when eaten in moderation, that are good for you. These grains are higher in fiber. Fiber slows […]

Balancing Work And Health

Balancing Work And Health

Do you find yourself too busy at work to exercise? Is your job taking over your entire life? Balancing work and health care is one of the most important priorities you should have. There’s an important relationship between body, spirit and mind. Work stress can take a toll on your health and without exercising, can […]

Can You Diet Without Protein?

Can You Diet Without Protein?

While there are some health conditions that are exacerbated by consuming too much protein, a diet without protein can have health risks for most people. You need protein in your diet. It’s an essential macronutrient that is necessary for building bones, muscle, and skin. It’s necessary for the body to create hormones and enzymes and […]

How To Diet With No Carbs

How To Diet With No Carbs

At 180° Fitness in Gloucester, ON, we help you lose weight and become your fittest by aiding you to achieve a healthy lifestyle. We don’t believe in all the calorie counting, strict diets and other severe restrictions, but guide you toward eating healthy and choosing a wide variety of food. It’s a sustainable eating pattern […]

Is MCT The Best Fat For Weight Loss?

Is MCT The Best Fat For Weight Loss?

You may have heard about MCT— medium-chain triglycerides— and how this type of oil is the best fat for weight loss, but didn’t know why the sudden interest. Many believe it came from the more recent interest in coconut oil, a good source of this type of fat. However, only about 50% of the fat […]